[starttext] In February 2012, two Swedish citizens on an outing with a quad ATV, unable to sight and record video in which you can see a flying saucer. The video (which seem real), is analyzed frame by frame, you can just make out the details of the evolution of this mysterious disc-shaped object.

The UFO was first stationed behind some trees, then suddenly made ​​a maneuver, flying low over the landscape at speeds impressed. For the rest we leave to you the judgment.[endtext]

UFO sighting in Sweden 2012

[postlink]http://ufo-firstcontact.blogspot.com/2012/03/sanae-iv-base-cover-up-for-what.html[/postlink][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GizVVqxSxMEendofvid [/youtube]
[starttext] Ufo's in Google Earth,
This is some question to think about!
What about or world and environment.
I want to show ppl that we are more alien then we think we are,
watch pleaces like this SANAE IV base, human can ajust almost every where.[endtext]


[starttext] Black spots have been discovered on Mars that are so dark that nothing inside can be seen. Quite possibly, the spots are entrances to deep underground caves capable of protecting Martian life, were it to exist. The unusual hole pictured above was found on the slopes of the giant Martian volcano Arsia Mons. The above image was captured three weeks ago by the HiRISE instrument onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter currently circling Mars.Credits: Credit: NASA, JPL, U. Arizona
source: messagetoeagle

Entrances To An Underground World On Mars?

Anunnaki - translated from the Sumerian language, as : " descended from the skies ", Anunnaki- is the collective name, there may be members of reptiles and not reptiles. Impossible say that all reptiles are bad - there is some good reptiles[endtext]

Anunnaki DOC PART 3

[starttext]Anunnaki - translated from the Sumerian language, as : " descended from the skies ", Anunnaki- is the collective name, there may be members of reptiles and not reptiles. Impossible say that all reptiles are bad - there is some good reptiles[endtext]

Anunnaki DOC PART 2

[starttext] Anunnaki - translated from the Sumerian language, as : " descended from the skies ", Anunnaki- is the collective name, there may be members of reptiles and not reptiles. Impossible say that all reptiles are bad - there is some good reptiles.[endtext]

Anunnaki DOC PART 1

[starttext]A photo compilation of the anomalies on the lunar surface including the alien spacecraft, alledged woman found inside, puported alien bases and ufos leaving its surface.

N.A.S.A : Alien Spacecraft & Moon Ruins

[starttext]Is there a secret war in space? There are respectable scientists who believe something is wrong with the objects filmed by NASA. What is the sudden streak of light that miss the object in space?

"If you're a skeptic it is easy to brush off. But if you are open-minded and you see this, then there is something weird about it", says Dr. Mark Carlotto.

Dr. Mark Carlotto has 20 years of experience conducting visual image processing for scientific research.

This is what he and others had to say when viewing some of the footage taken by astronauts in space.

"I studied it extensively over maybe a two year period at least. "says Jack Kasher, Ph.D , Professor of Physics at University of Nebraska at Omaha who worked for nearly ten years in the research development in the Star Wars defence system for the upper atmosphere.

His analysis concluded that the UFO filmed by NASA cannot be explained as a natural phenomenon.

"These are not videos taken by someone in their backyard.

These are taken aboard U.S. spacecraft. so the integrity of the data cannot be questioned.

NASA's explanation is that what we are looking at here are ice particles around the shuttle, but if you look at it more carefully it doesn't make any sense.

If there was a thruster firing, when a thrusters firing occurs the orientation of the spacecraft should change, very slightly, but we don't see any change in the apparent motion of the stars.

This indicates the attitude of the shuttle has not changed from the thruster firing," says Dr. Mark Carlotto.

source:messagetoeagle [endtext]

Secret War In Space - Rare Video Footage


[starttext]There is no doubt that the Moon must be explored and closely examined due to the probability of alien activity on the Moon.
The video and images show alien Moon facility captured by China's second Moon orbiter the Chang'e-2.
This report states:
"I was sent some pictures by a source who claims China will be releasing Hi Res images taken by the Chang'e-2 moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the moons surface.
He also claims NASA has deliberately bombed important areas of the Moon in an effort to destroy ancient artefacts and facility's.
Pictures yet to be released clearly show nuclear impact craters and building debris caused by explosions in an effort by NASA to destroy the truth.
China is moving toward full disclosure of the Extraterrestrial reality, if these images and future ones are verified genuine then NASA should be investigated for fraud and treason.
China will be releasing all the data and images from the Chang'e-2 in the coming weeks and months, lets hope this is the beginning of a new era."

source:messagetoeagle [endtext]

Alien Bases On The Moon Footage Released By China's Orbiter The Chang'e-2


[starttext]Norman Bergrun's "The Ringmakers of Saturn" is the inspiration for this video of the mysterious rings of Saturn.

Those objects are massive OVNIS (UFOs) photographed by Cassini near Saturn, and put under wraps by NASA. One of the objects is Earth sized and one over 50,000 Km in length (Four times Earth’s diameter!)

Keeping in mind the similarity with the HST’s infra red image shown above, it may be an actual photograph taken by Cassini. If genuine, the implications are mind boggling! Are we then seeing incontrovertible evidence of an alien presence in our Solar System?

Small moonlets/asteroids even a couple of hundred miles long have been mapped and named. These objects are Earth size and some more than 50,000 Km long. Then why have these objects not been named? After all, they’ve shown up in the official photographs taken by the HST. But then, that’s probably top secret! You can’t go around naming huge alien objects, can you? Smells of a cover-up, what?

Whatever, the truth is out there in the rings of Saturn!

source: abovetopsecret[endtext]

NASA’s Cover-Up Blown? Gigantic Alien Craft Photographed By Cassini! ?

[starttext]The Best UFO Footage From Around The World In February 2012[endtext]

Most Groundbreaking UFOs Of February 1st To February 29th 2012

[starttext]Nazca Lines UFO - Astouding video apparently showing a metallic saucer approaching a helicopter from out of a bank of cloud near the Nazca Lines in Peru.[endtext]

UFO and Cessna Nearly Collide in Peru UFO Sightings January 1, 2011


[starttext] They spot this "thing" floating over a mountain top; it's not moving. They spot something smaller next to it. They are impressed and they are talking about the lights on this object.
One of the lights is blinking, they have, for whatever reason, time to make some flat jokes. I can't say if this a hoax or these people don't have a clue about what is going on.
The resolution of the video is poor, and it makes it very difficult to analyze.The man was testing out a new camera, and by chance he saw the unknown object.
UFO case book [endtext]

UFO Pyramid over Turkey