[starttext]Information about The Nibiru Cataclysm created by Mind4Study for Educational and Research purposes.
source:extraterrestrial-life [endtext]

The Nibiru Cataclysm Documentary

[starttext] April 23, 2012 08:15 AM EDT
A silver, saucer-shaped UFO was caught on tape in the Himalayas in March and a new video on YouTube shows an enlarged and enhanced version. What is it?
The original video, taken in March, suffered from a shaky camera. This video, in addition to being enhanced and enlarged, is also stabilized. In it, two separate unidentified flying objects fly into view over the tops of peaks somewhere in the Himalayas. The area is much too high for birds to be flying
In the new video the stabilization makes for a much sharper view and the objects are also subjected to stop-motion editing. The UFO pictured here is the second object, which seems to be following the first much larger and darker object.
The silvery flying saucer caught on tape is not a bird, plane, jet or helicopter. It's circular and shows no markings or lights. It looks very much like the disk-shaped saucers being caught on video all around the world.
So what is it?

Source: gather[endtext]

Himalaya UFO Enhanced: What is It?

[starttext] In the beginning of the video, Earth is moving at approximately 30.3km/s. It's eccentricity is 0.019, inclination 0.0019, it's periapsis is 334, ascending node 128, and anomaly at epoch is 12.1. It's orbit is obviously 1.00 years.

Approximately 2 hours after the passing, it's orbital properties change immensely. The eccentricity is then 0.75, the inclination is 107, the argument is 96.4, the longitude of the ascending node is 165, and the mean anomaly at epoch is -5.17. Indeed, the eccentricity is increased to a point where it is only in the habitable range of the star for half of its orbit. Additionally, the orbital period of the planet nearly doubles.

As for the clockwise rotation of the simulation, the body is approaching from almost directly below us, its inclination is about 84.7 degrees. The simulation had to be recorded from below the ecliptic.[endtext]
source: youtube


[starttext] Alex Jones' latest documentary shatters the hoax of the terrorism, revealing instead that government is history's greatest killer. Now a 21st century technocratic global corporate tyranny seeks to kill billions with the superweapons it has created under a police state control grid and through the central banking warfare model it brought to life. This documentary is another powerful tool in exposing the false threats used by the elite to control us-- powerful because it casts an even greater light on their own dangerous megalomaniacal quest for total power. [endtext] source:casescorner

New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen

[starttext] [endtext] source: youtube

Col. Charles Halt , Ret. @ National Press Club UFO meeting

[starttext] Soon after the astronauts from the Apollo XI landed they notice an alien presence located behind a nearby Hill, According to this pseudo documentary, when they were getting ready to record it on film the sighted beings and objects immediately disappeared.

Juan Jose Benitez use to work in the 70s as Reuters reporter from Spain, during those years he heard about a fascinating news of a contacted from Peru called Sixto Paz Wells, he was sent to Peru to investigate and interview him which resulted in a catapult of fame for him, mainly due to the writing of his first book on this story "SOS to humanity" which narrates the close encounter with the ETs beings which Sixto Paz had access to, including traveling to outer space.[endtext]
source: ElPeruanoUFO youtube channel

Evidence from Apollo 11 about UFOs found on the Moon

[starttext] UFO Sightings Update on the Pasadena California UFO sighting and Photos and Video! Footage granted to thirdphaseofmoon by Mark Guzman and Robert Bingham all rights reserved[endtext]
source:thirdphaseofmoon youtube channel

UFO Sightings Pasadena California Strange and Unusual UFOs Photos and Video! April 11 2012

[starttext] We were returning from Malta to France, when filming the vicinity of the airport, I saw two white objects hovering over a Maltese house.
I immediately shot the UFOs. The two objects began to descend to the ground and disappeared!
Video analysed frame by frame, zoomed and stabilized.

Drones, unknown military aircrafts, orbs or UFOs?
Filmed by me in the Malta airport, Malta, South Europe, April 2012.[endtext]
source: wtfflow youtube channel

Terrific UFO spy Probes over Malta airport, Apr 2012

[starttext]Live NASA UFO Footage(April 11 2012) [endtext]
source: olivieromannucci

Live NASA UFO Footage (April 11 2012)

[starttext]The film features in-depth accounts by people who are willing to risk their jobs and reputations to speak out about their extraordinary experiences, such as former Arizona Governor Symington III; Nick Pope, former head of the British Defense Ministry's UFO Investigative Unit, and others.
Commentary is provided by investigative journalist Leslie Kean, author of the NY Times bestseller UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record, who spent ten years studying the UFO phenomenon and bringing together high level sources from around the world. [endtext]

UFO - Secret Access on the Record

[starttext] [endtext]



For several years, the world's governments have perpetrated a cover-up the UFO issue.
But we have to ask what these X-Files hide?
What they have discovered to get this such extreme levels of secrecy?[endtext]

Real UFO videos form military and authorities


[starttext] [endtext]

Dead Alien bodys from Roswell UFO crash?


[starttext] A symposium for lost pyramids, ancient artifacts, alien skulls and other anomalous objects from around the world. For a more deeper analysis go to source: TheBlackScroll[endtext]

Lost Pyramids and Other Hidden Ancient Artifacts

[starttext]these artifacts were found 55 years ago by a tribe in central mexico...
they have been using many of these artifacts around their necks as decorations, necklaces, etc...
re-discovered to the world in 2011! tests revealed that they pre-date the mayans...
a documentary is to be released by the mexican goverment at the beginning of december..
artifacts will also show a landing pad thats been found in? the jungle plus much more..
[endtext] source:


[starttext] Phil Schneider died in 1996. Previous to his death he had been on tour across the United States speaking out about various subjects including his involvement with building a secret underground base in Dulce, New Mexico for the military. During this time, he said to have had an encounter with a violent E.T race in the late 1970's which would change his whole world reality immediately after. This documentary explores some of the information Phil Schneider spoke about to the public in the 1990's by examining each claim in detail with expert opinions from Richard Dolan, Richard Sauder, Neil Gould and Cynthia Drayer (Phil's Ex-Wife).

In this documentary you will find never before published photo's of Phil's Autopsy, documents about the Philadelphia Experiment from Oscar Schneider's files (Phil's father) and a very well explained background about Underground Bases.

"Interviews conducted by Darcy Weir"
"Edited by Darcy Weir"
"Music by Lee Lustig" www.leelustig.bandcamp.com[endtext]

The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider

[starttext]An explanation of why humanity may be one of 24 civilizations in the all universe. Few quotes from the book "the only planet of choice" a transmission of Tom -the spokesman of The Council of Nine from deep space(through phyllis channeling).Documentary of crop circles explained and decoded.The best evidence of crop circles 2010.transmission it's channeling, it's the same .....in 2012 we are going to be part of a transformation of the all world who will be divided into 12 parts........and it's not science fiction !
explanation of crop circles

Three reasons who are proof that crop circles are not made by people :

1. They are made only at a deep night and in a short time less than a night that's for sure ( farmer' experience).

2. for be able to see those accurate geometric forms you have to take picture by helicopter...... to be not less than 300 meters height.

3. Scientists checked the ground under those crops and find there is a magnetic field on the land [endtext] source:

Explanation of 50 Crop Circles from deep space transmission

[starttext]A Serie Of Crop Circles That Show A Dna Change In The Crop Circles[endtext]

Dna Change Shown In The Crop Circles